Beneath all of our judgements, labels, and preconceived ideas lies a beautiful and already perfect world. I have only been allowed glimpses of this world for I too hold these habits. One day I was thinking about what success and failure really were. They were two sides of the same coin. I realized they were two separate perceptions used to look at the same thing. I met a man a few days ago from the south and before I had even seen him or said a word to him I felt like I knew everything about him. My ideas about this man were so far from his truth after I had talked to him. When I talked to him I realized that all the ideas I had about him prior to meeting him were simply ideas I had learned along the way, I was judging a book by its cover. This man is now one of my great friends who I am constantly learning from. I refuse to make generalizations here because I believe they are my person judgements blown up on an imaginary scale. I have not been seeing anything for what it is... It's as if the world is a beautiful painting. I have painted a world in my mind, a world of perceptions, labels, and preconceptions that I foolishly lay over this incredible painting. I shall call the natural painting Absolute Reality and we can call mine a Dirty Lens. The natural painting of life is warped by my perceptions.
Recently I have been reading a book. This is a very special book. It is the direct experience of a Himilayan Swami (Enlightened One) and all of his teachings. His master told him one day you need but two things to achieve Enlightenment: Constant Awareness of Absolute Reality and to practice Non-Attachment (Love). I had no idea what absolute reality was, actually I doubted that anything could be absolute. I set out to discover what absolute reality is. Boy, I have never seen a more beautiful painting. Each stroke expresses the love put into this painting. This incredible world sits beneath our ideas of ourselves and what we believe this world to be, to look like. If you have ever fallen hopelessly in love, you know what this world feels like, what it looks like. Time does not exist in this reality, only the moment. Every creation from a tree to a grain of sand becomes an amazing miracle. You begin to view the world with unconditional love, a constant awareness of absolute reality. If you have ever gone out of your way to help someone just for the sake of making their experience more enjoyable, then you laid eyes on this reality.
I discovered that this Absolute reality spoken of by the Himilayan Swami was very much real. Another book I was reading called "A Course in Miracles" introduced the idea of purification to me. I became so obsessed with purifying my being that I stumbled upon a miracle. I saw that my lens upon which I viewed this painting was terribly dirty. It was clouded with conflicting perceptions, harsh judgement, and a lack of love.
In order to purify my vision of the world I set out to nature for silence. I met a wonderful tree just down the road from my house. I was very excited to appreciate his existence while I climbed. After climbing I sat upon one of his branches with a silent mind. I heard the words "Listen" in my mind. Electricity started running through my body, and I took a deep breathe and repeated Listen. What could this mean? This was the answer to my purification, to listen. I remained in silence until a thought came into my head. This thought was "Feel."
I spent some time listening and feeling. In this time I was not looking, but simply observing. Many thoughts would come and go, but my awareness was on what I was feeling. When I reached a point of perfect silence I knew my looking glass was clear. I rose to look at the new world in awe of its peace and beauty. A preconception of my situation popped into my head, but I let it float away this time. A judgement about another came to me, but I payed it no attention. I was listening and feeling, without attaching to any thought passing by. I felt like I was in love with the world, my glass was clear!!! I could see this incredible painting for what it was. I could experience the great gifts she had to offer. My being was at peace and I had found Absolute Reality. To hold a constant awareness of this reality is challenging at first because it is not a habit. I am always reminding myself to keep listening and to keep feeling, let the thoughts flow.
There are times when one can get lost, and lose sight of this beauty but I am here to remind you of how to find it. To listen and to feel. To listen and to feel. Take a deep breathe and listen. Take a deep breathe and smile. Laugh out the joy and keep breathing this love. Breathe and listen.
Love, Dave : D
About Me
- Dave Trauterman
- Thank you for stopping by my blog! My name is Dave and I am 21 years old. I have always wanted to be a great inspiration to anybody I meet on my journey. I created this space to post some of the experiences I have day to day. I have set out on a journey to learn from my direct experience. These are simply recordings of the lessons I learn through listening and feeling. My intention is to expand your awareness, to provide new perspective. I wish to spread love and create harmony in the individual. : D
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