About Me

Thank you for stopping by my blog! My name is Dave and I am 21 years old. I have always wanted to be a great inspiration to anybody I meet on my journey. I created this space to post some of the experiences I have day to day. I have set out on a journey to learn from my direct experience. These are simply recordings of the lessons I learn through listening and feeling. My intention is to expand your awareness, to provide new perspective. I wish to spread love and create harmony in the individual. : D

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Eternal Light

We all posses a light within us. This light is eternal and can never be extinguished. Few people in our recorded history have let this light shine with all its beauty. Among these fellows are Christ, The Buddah, Mahatma Gandhi, John Lennon, and many more. We all know there was something different about these individuals, and I believe I have stumbled upon a very important piece of knowledge. You see these people did not wish to be seen as Gods. They all wanted the everyday man to rise to his potential, to live his fullest. They all carried the same message, You are no different than I. I believe we are all the Buddah and Christ in our heart. I believe this is our natural state of being.

When I was a young boy I knew nothing of the teachings of these men, yet my light was strong. As I passed the age of six and seven everything changed. My light dimmed and I began to forget my true nature. I thought all the ideas in this world were truth. I thought what my school teachers and friends told me were truths. I believed that I was flawed and weak. As I entered my teenage years my sense of self developed. By this point nearly all of the light within me was covered. It had been covered by a great fog. I invited this fog in place of my light, I thought this was my truth. I saw my flaws to be part of me now. I saw the great fear I held inside to be something natural. As I passed through the years I became a compulsive liar. Soon I couldn't remember my own lies and I was lost in a fog so thick it was hard to see my own hands. Every now and then I would be blessed with a glimpse of this light. I thought this was how it all worked, randomly. Sometimes you feel sad, sometimes you feel happy, sometimes you cry, and other times you laugh.

In the absence of my light great fear flourished. Creatures took over my mind, leaving me feeling powerless. Finally I grew sick of this aimless suffering. I caught a glimpse of pure light, a glimpse of truth. I embarked on a journey that seemed impossible. I had been given a shred of hope by my best friend Dan Moxley. He showed me that what I had believed to be my truth all my life, may not in fact be. This tiny light broke through a great sea of thunderous clouds and fog. For only a moment I was protected from all the fears and confusion. The sea was calm for that moment and I saw what needed to be done. This was the greatest gift I have ever received, the gift of awareness. I now knew that something else existed, and that the life I lived was very far from natural. In the beginning I had an extremely hard time accepting this new light. The fear inside of me was like a tape worm. I wanted only what it wanted, and it knew light would destroy it. I spent the next two years clearing the fog in my heart. As time pressed on the clouds began to part. In light these creatures cannot survive, they have no power. My will was tried time and time again. With new awareness comes the great responsibility of change. I can't tell you how many times my light was covered back up again only for me to drown in the darkness bellow the clouds. I can't tell you how many times I felt cursed by this new awareness, as if it were punishment. I would not give up, I could not, for I had seen how beautiful this light was. I witnessed the power of its love.

Everyday I would exposes another illusion created by this great storm and light would take its place. The fears the wrenched my heart burned is such great light. I fought a great many battles in this time, walking away defeated. I learned that this defeat was very important. For without it I knew nothing of the power of personal will.

The truths that I had once grasped so tightly as truth were breaking apart back into dust. I began to learn how powerful we are in service of love. That we may call upon miracles anytime we please so long as our intentions are selfless and loving. I learned that I, only me, can change my ways of thought and action. This light taught me to see the world through the eyes of love. It taught me to take a deep breath and listen instead of yelling in my mind. I now know that this light is all that exists. The clouds that formed earlier in my life were my own creations. I had believed that tricks and illusions were real, and so they were. I have come to understand that all these harmful ideas and fears lived only through my awareness, my attention. We hold onto this darkness because we fear losing it, we fear the coming change. I am here to tell you its okay to let go of these ideas. In fact the very moment you let go of them light will take their place, you will become whole once again.

For so long I was caught in this cycle of birth and death. I would give rise to an idea or a belief about myself. At this moment the idea was born and for that moment it was beautiful! But as the context in my life changed I started to notice that this idea no longer served me. It had become another illusion and so I experienced its death. This death feels like tension, fear, resistance, hate, frustration. I pondered how one could escape such a cycle. We must be ever becoming. Never holding onto any ideas but simply expressing them in the moment. You see attachment to an idea or a belief is the formation of a cloud. These ideas are not you! They are born out of light for that moment and that moment only! The second you believe yourself to be this idea you start the cycle of birth and death again. For some this cycle can last a life time, others a moment.
At this point in my understanding I choose to destroy my remaining ideas about me. I found myself empty, with nothing to say or do, but much to listen to and feel. I discovered a world so beautiful that has shined all my life. I will not give rise to anymore beliefs and preconceptions. I now surrender and listen to my heart. I have not a single penny to my name right now and I am blissfully happy. The belief that money is needed is an illusion. The belief that anything is needed is an illusion. When I walk into a social situation, perhaps nervous that I won't say the right thing, I take a deep breath and let what will happen happen. I will not give rise to these false ideas. Anytime I look at someone and begin to judge, I simply laugh because this idea has no existence. When an unloving thought enters my mind I simply forget it ever arose, fixing my attention back on my heart and the love I feel.

As you clear these beliefs you will discover the most beautiful truths. You will bask in the light of love. Remember that this light will forever shine no matter what you believe your truth to be. But when you accept that this light is your truth all illusions disappear into thin air. It will take great will and love to see this reality. One must want to live like this more than anything else in his/her life if he wishes to experience such clarity and peace. I tell you this, this state of being is natural for us. Idealessness, full surrender, acceptance, these are the qualities of our truth. One day we will all see this light, even if it takes our death.

There are many who walk the same path as I. We are in a time in history right now where this ^ evolution is happening world wide. When every human realizes their inner Buddah, their light. My dear friend Olivia is among the many on this path, her light shines brighter than any I have ever witnessed. http://womanoccupieswithin.blogspot.com/
                                                             Love, Dave

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