About Me

Thank you for stopping by my blog! My name is Dave and I am 21 years old. I have always wanted to be a great inspiration to anybody I meet on my journey. I created this space to post some of the experiences I have day to day. I have set out on a journey to learn from my direct experience. These are simply recordings of the lessons I learn through listening and feeling. My intention is to expand your awareness, to provide new perspective. I wish to spread love and create harmony in the individual. : D

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Experimenting with Thoughts

I had a marvelous thought the other day while relaxing in my bed. I have become aware that there are two distinct fashions in which I think. I have merely cataloged two specific types of thinking that occur in my mind. In other articles I will mention other though patterns that I find many people are using. Before we go any further I must inform you that, you choose which thought patterns you apply to the mind. This means you can choose any thought pattern you want once you become aware it exists. Or you can do as I, and attempt to relieve yourself of all thought patterns. This first thought pattern will make the latter much easier to understand, lets begin.

As I sat in bed I realized that I was watching thought trails go through my mind. I was watching thoughts that had played out already and I was just reviewing them. Some were past memories, others were things that had happened that day. My mind was not in the present it was reliving the past. Sometimes I would drift into a thought about the future, maybe plans that I had or people I wanted to see. If my mind wasn't visiting old memories it was living moments that were going to happen.

The second thought pattern was one I believe could not have been discovered until I could look at the old ones from an outside perspective. This thought pattern was truly remarkable in every way. I can only achieve it when I am in a peaceful or really excited state of mind. I was able to catch onto the front of the thought instead of watching it go by. I could ride this thought like a wave. These thoughts were organic and original. They flowed so smoothly and naturally, carrying the most positive of feelings. My mind was empty and these thoughts seemed to be shooting out of nowhere, but they were exactly what I wanted to say/think/do/be. I find this same thought process to occur anytime I am heavily engaged in physical activity. ("In the Zone")

I now had these two very different ways of thinking. The first thought process makes it seems as though my brain was idling. Sometimes I would watch these trails as an entertainment. Sometimes I would find myself dwelling on past events, or worried/anxious for my future. And on the other hand I had this profound means of thinking where thoughts came organically and naturally from what seemed like a reservoir of information.

Try to become aware of your thought patterns so you can see if they serve you well, or if they are causing trouble. I value living an honest happy life, so to discover that I have had this way of thinking programmed into my mind was awesome. I now know that I choose which thoughts I entertain. You must be responsible for the thoughts you choose to think because they have a major effect on your environment.

Please post any thought patterns you have experienced!
See you tomorrow friends!

1 comment:

  1. I experience a combination of those two patterns when i'm falling asleep. At first, i mostly review things. For some reason, i always think of the things i forgot to think about during the day: "did i pay that speeding ticket? shit, i forgot to get groceries... did i do all my homework? woops forgot to shave tonight" shit like that. after a certain point, i get sick of worrying myself and start focusing on happy things, and that's when shit gets intense. my thoughts will become more fluid. i won't dwell on any thought long enough to worry about it. then they start rapidly pouring out in a seemingly random order, like a daydream. it's pretty nice. i just wish i could remember the second part when i wake up lol

